Sign Up for the Kenaz 2021 Takeover Challenge

The events of 2020 sure took over our lives but with a new year comes brand new opportunity to get back in the driver’s seat. Whether you’ve made New Year's resolutions about improving your health or were just thinking about making some changes, now’s the time to set the tone for 2021.

Kenaz’s 2021 Takeover Challenge is starting on Monday, January 18th. We invite you to enter the challenge to start your year off on the right foot and have a chance at winning a number of prizes you can use towards your training even after completing the challenge.

What does the 2021 Takeover Challenge involve?

When you join our Takeover Challenge, you’ll be part of a 28-day challenge to get the absolute most out of your training with Kenaz while you build strong habits to succeed.

Our challenge encompasses Kenaz’s 3-pillar approach to online training that considers your Fitness, Nutrition, and Accountability. You’ll receive:

  • A customized plan based on your goals, abilities, equipment, and injuries all delivered though our exclusive app complete with videos and how-tos.

  • Nutrition coaching to help you meet your goals. We’ll help you understand and apply what food groups and quantities you should be consuming and why.

  • Daily accountability and habit tracking with our trainers. Our trainers will connect with you every day to make sure you’re staying on track with your workouts, sleep, water intake, and meals. We’re here to motivate and support you every step of the way!

What prizes can I win?

First place winner
$300 training credit with Kenaz

Second place winner
$100 training credit + an accountability wristband

Third place winner
An accountability wristband

How are the winners picked?

Kenaz trainers will choose the challenge winners based on two criteria:

  1. Before and after photos
    We’ll be looking at your transformation comparing the photo taken on the start date of the challenge, and the photo taken on the last day of the challenge, 28 days later

  2. Habit tracking
    We’ll also be assessing how dedicated you’ve been to tracking your:

    • Sleep

    • Number of workouts per week

    • Daily water intake

    • Pictures of meals eaten during the challenge

How much does it cost for me to enter the challenge?

Entrance into the challenge costs $97 for clients and is free for our premium clients. (If you have purchased our black friday or boxing day cards, you can use them to cover the cost of the $97 challenge entrance fee.)

If you already work with Kenaz for one-on-one training, your $97 entrance fee will give you access to the challenge as well as:

  • Our daily accountability services

  • A custom program in Trainerize (our exclusive online training app)

If you already work with Kenaz trainers online, our $97 entrance fee will give you two additional 30-minute live workouts.

If group training is your thing, you can enter the challenge for $97 and get access to online group training. You’ll receive a workout program from one of our coaches through our exclusive app based on your fitness level, nutritional guidelines, and accountability.

How do I sign up?

To sign up for the Kenaz 2021 Takeover Challenge, get in touch with Kenaz at 778-809-0904 or via email at

We look forward to seeing you kick 2021’s butt!